Monday, October 13, 2008

The Powers of Clairvoyant Mediums

A Medium is a person who possesses the power to communicate with the spiritual world. Their purpose is two fold – they aim to prove to the physical world the existence of afterlife, and they work to console grieved parties. A clairvoyant medium is one who possesses an extra boon – an ability to see Spirits, and thus communicate with them better.
The literal meaning of clairvoyance is ‘clear seeing.’ This means a clairvoyant Medium is accurately able to see images of people of places through their mind’s eye. These images would relate to the Spirit they are contacting. Generally these are similar to memories and do not represent the future. However in some cases a Clairvoyant Medium may also be able to foretell the future. Mediums usually refrain from foretelling as any person has the ability to alter his/her future.
A Clairvoyant Medium will reproduce these images through words, to a person consulting in order to prove to him/her that they are authentic and true Mediums. They may also offer Clairvoyant readings to those who wish to know their future or connect with a dead person. Clairvoyant readings may be taken seriously, although many people are interested in these predictions for the fun quotient.
Clairvoyant Mediums usually have a Spirit of their own which guides then through readings but sometime, as in the case of Trance Mediums, another Spirit takes possession of the Medium’s body and relates incidents as the Spirit sees it, to a seeker. This alternative Spirit is usually associated with the seeker.
There are many doubts as to how Clairvoyance differs from Psychic. The answer is simple. It is all but interconnected as Psychic refers to those who possess powers including telepathy, intuition and extra sensory abilities.

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